Manuel du modérateur : recruter de nouveaux modérateurs

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==Recruter des Modérateurs / Trouver des remplaçants==

Quand le groupe devient trop grand pour être géré par l'équipe de modération en place, ou si vous pensez que vous devez passer la main, il est temps d'utiliser les ressources de la communauté et de trouver de l'assistance ou des remplaçants. Il y a plusieurs façon de le faire.

Certains choisissent un modérator selon son activité sur le groupe. Ils recherchent quelqu'un qui poste correctement, qui n'a pas eu de problème avec un autre membre, et qui est ouvert et amical.

Comme les modérateurs sont les personnes qui ont le plus de contact avec les membres qui postent, il vous faut trouver quelqu'un d'amical, patient, courtois, et qui suit les règles mises en place sur le groupe. Une autre méthode pour recruter un modérateur est d'envoyer un appel aux volontaires. C'est assez simple et peut être posté comme un ADMIN en Nouvelles Spéciales.

Il est alors publié vers toute votre communauté. Une fois que les postulants ont répondu, vous pouvez choisir un membre selon vos exigences.

"Note importante:" Si vous devez quitter votre groupe soudainement, et si vous avez essayé sans succès de trouver un modérateur de remplacement parmi vos membres, contactez immédiatement le GOA de votre zone. Votre GOA peut trouver un volontaire pour gérer votre groupe si vous devez partir, et pour recruter et former de nouveaux modérateurs.

Quelle que soit la méthode utilisée pour recruter, l'important est de trouver un bon modérateur pour vous aider ou pour vous remplacer. Cette rubrique vous accompagne le long des étapes du processus et inclut des exemples de lettres pour démarrer!

Démarrage - Envoyer une lettre de recrutement:

Une fois déterminé que vous avez besoin d'un modérateur pour votre groupe, faites passer le mot!

The easiest way to announce an opening for moderator is to send out an occasional mod recruit letter to your group members. Here is a sample letter that can be used. Simply copy and paste... and feel free to edit as necessary!

Evaluating candidates

After your mod recruit letter gets posted, it becomes a waiting game to determine your pool of moderator candidates. Make a baseline determination based on their response.

  • Does the member answer all questions completely and concisely?
  • Are they posting in full sentences?
  • More importantly, does the member have a clean record on your board?
  • Were there run-ins in the past that might prejudice that person with your current membership?

Once those questions have been decided and you determine you have a good candidate, make contact again with the member.

Answer any additional questions they might have asked. When that is completed, you should be able to move forward.

Basic Training and Instruction for Your New Moderator

For training your new moderator, there are two choices:

  1. We strongly suggest doing the training yourself using our new self-guided training materials. Your GOA can set you and your trainee up with access to the World Playground so your trainee can practice with your guidance, or you can train your co-mod yourself on your site.
  2. You can ask GOA to help. To set this up, contact your GOA.

Changing Member To Moderator

Now it's time to change a former member into a moderator. For those of you who aren't familiar with the procedure, here are instructions.

Notifying your GOA

Please forward the application to your GOA so he/she knows who is on the mod team.

Welcome letter to new mod

The next step is letting your moderator know about the new privileges. There are several ways to do this. A personal note sent by you will work, as well as the following message as an example. Simply copy and paste... and feel free to edit as necessary!

***Replace all XXX references with your local group name***

Hi XXX and Welcome!

I just made you a moderator and you now have the ability to approve pending messages and members.

This will be a two-week trial period and at the end we can evaluate how that went and you can decide if you want to come on board permanently!

Here's some information that will be helpful as you begin moderating.

Group name: XXX Freecycle(TM)
Group Mod/Trainer: XXX
Group Mod/Trainer email:

The Freecycle Network(TM) now qualifies as an international movement, (lots of good people worldwide) giving stuff away (and getting stuff) like crazy. We've adopted the motto "Changing the world one gift at a time".

We currently estimate that over 40 tons a day are being saved from landfills due to our combined efforts establishing this wonderful "gift economy."

The online Mod Manual is an invaluable tool that provides answers to many questions you may have pertaining to daily operations and management of your Freecycle group. From start to finish, it walks you through basic procedures and gradually introduces you to the finer details of being a moderator. It can be found here:

Also, check out our member FAQs at

We have two groups for mods to discuss issues and support each other. The Tech Discussion Group (FIOD) is the first stop for tech help and advice for MyFreecycle groups for mods around the world.

For other moderator issues, there is the Freecycle Leadership Community where mods can share and chat about all group issues other than technical.

Please note that there are guidelines for joining these groups, which can be found here: scroll down to Guidelines for Joining Mod Squad and other Leadership Groups

Thanks and good luck.

We look forward to working with you!

 (C) 2003, The Freecycle Network(TM). All rights reserved. Freecycle and the Freecycle logo are trademarks of The Freecycle Network in the United States and/or other countries.

Final Steps and Parting Words of Advice

The preceding instructions provide a solid starting point to get your mod on board and trained. Here are some final words of advice:

  1. Establish a rapport with your new mod. Make yourself approachable and available. Be friendly and nice. We all have lives outside Freecycle but the reality is that training will be much easier if you put forth the gesture of being open and establishing communication. A friendly email or IM inquiring on progress or well-being goes a long way to establish that initial line of communication.
  2. Make yourself available as much as you possibly can, whether it be through email, SMS or otherwise. Your new mods need you to be there because they are counting on you to help them with even the most menial of tasks. If they feel deserted, they will lose confidence and set up for failure.
  3. Just because you think a question is easy for you, doesn't mean it's easy for your new mods. Remember how uninformed and new you felt when you first started? Put yourself in their shoes and remember that someone gave you a chance. This is your shot at giving them a chance and starting them off on the right foot. You have to start somewhere... that being at the very beginning.
  4. Do not belittle or make your mod-in-training regret asking you a simple question. It's a matter of trust that you two have forged. You trust that your new mod will learn the appropriate tasks and your mod trusts that no concern is too insignificant and no question too silly to ask. The first time that you make your mod feel dumb for asking the basic of questions is where you will lose that mod's trust.

Sometimes a new mod will not work out no matter what you do. Personalities clash, attention to detail waivers, or maybe they simply aren't cut out for the position no matter how hard you train them or how much instruction you provide. If you have to let a mod go, do it gently and kindly.

Thank them for their time and let them know it just didn't work out. There is no need to pinpoint every bit of blame where they lacked proficiency or point out their mistakes. That's just a cheap parting shot and does not serve any part of member relations and communications. Better luck next time with another mod trainee. It just happens. Finally, don't forget to inform your GOA in the event that your new mod that didn't work out. Now go forth and recruit! Best of luck on your endeavor.