There are literally thousands of volunteers who represent the passion and commitment behind the scenes which enable The Freecycle Network (R) to function as a grassroots and nonprofit gifting movement.
[hide]Within your local group
If you're interested in making a contribution to your community and your planet and in keeping stuff out of the local landfill, please keep reading!
Being a moderator doesn't require a lot of time but does require some dedication. There is a lot of support available. It's fun and it's a small thing that can make such a big difference.
We don't have anything tangible to give to a moderator - it's all free, right? - but it's rewarding nevertheless. You'll be keeping the Freecycle Network ticking over and ensuring usable items stay out of landfill sites to have a new lease of life.
Here are some frequently asked questions about being a moderator:
- What does a moderator do? On a daily basis, you’ll approve or reject messages that have been flagged for moderation. As needed, you’ll respond to emails from members and calmly handle any issues or complaints that come in. You’ll keep an eye on the group and remove inappropriate posts.
- What are the requirements for being a moderator? You should be somewhat computer savvy and have regular access to the Internet. You have a few spare minutes each day to spend moderating the group. You are tactful and have good communication skills.
- Is training provided? You’ll learn on your own with the assistance of the volunteer who oversees groups in your region. This Quick Start guide will help get you off to a good start. https://wiki.freecycle.org/New_Moderator_Orientation:QuickStart
- How can I apply? Fill out this online form and keep an eye on your email.
Setting up a Group
First, make sure there really is no group in your area. If there is, it, of course, has priority. See here for how to check.
Once you're sure there's no local group already, see here for more details.
Do you have a skill you could volunteer to help Freecycle? We are always looking for help in areas such as graphics, fund-raising, and networking. Contact us with your desired volunteering position at Volunteers.
Offer ideas
Let us know what you think would improve the Freecycle experience by emailing our Suggestion box. Thank you.
Already a moderator? Want to get more involved with Freecycle.org?
There are literally thousands of volunteers who represent the passion and commitment behind the scenes which enable The Freecycle Network™ to function as a grassroots and nonprofit gifting movement. If you feel a "volunteer calling" beyond moderating for your local group, then by all means have a look at the opportunities below. You may also contact Volunteers if you have general volunteer-related questions. Thanks for all the good you are doing and making possible!
Interim Mod Team (IMod Team)
IMod team members work behind the scenes to keep headless groups running until new mods are recruited. Although each IMOD might moderate 50-100 groups, it's not as daunting as it sounds, as IMOD groups are fully unmoderated and member inquiries are handled by the team leaders. This is a fun, low-stress volunteer position open to current Freecycle.org moderators of all experience levels. Hours are flexible.
If you're interested, please send an email with the subject line that states I want to volunteer with the Interim Moderator Team.
Support Team
This team consists of the Freecycle.org Help Team, Spam Control and Social Media (Twitter, Facebook and Instagram).
The Help Team assists Freecycle members with using the Freecycle.org website, including things like forgotten passwords, difficulty logging in, and providing instructions on how to use the various functions of the website. If you enjoy solving problems and helping people (with a virtual smile), this could be the team for you. Our members are counting on the Help Team to answer their questions in a timely manner, so we ask for a commitment to checking messages at least once a day, several days a week.
The Spam Control Team proactively identifies and deals with accounts that post spam or scams, as well as responding to reports of scams and spam from moderators and members. If you like detective work and have a technical bent, Spam Control could be a good fit. We are looking for a time commitment of at least two hours a week, spread out in whatever way works for you.
The Social Media Team actively promotes The Freecycle Network on the major social media platforms, as well as sharing articles on related topics such as upcycling, recycling, and climate change. If you are excited about communicating the Freecycle message to the world, we’d love to have you on the Social Media Team. We ask team members to create 1-2 new posts per week and check the social media platforms regularly to reply to messages. Experience with graphic design or social media campaigns would be greatly appreciated, but is not required.
Participation of each of these teams gives the satisfaction of helping others and communicating with members and mods all over the world. Team Leads provide training and constant support. If you're interested, please send an email with the subject line that states I want to volunteer with the Support Team and mention which team you are interesting in joining in the body of your email.
We are always seeking enthusiastic people who are fluent in multiple languages to translate the Members FAQ and Moderators Manual from English into their own native tongue.
If you can spare a little time each day to translate a few paragraphs, over time - your efforts would see the Members FAQ and Moderators manual in your own language. This will make it easier for you, your fellow moderators and your group members to understand what Freecycle is about and how to use the groups.
We are currently seeking translators for French and German, however if you can translate into any other language we are still interested in hearing from you.
If you're interested, please send an email with the subject line that states I want to volunteer with the Info Team
New Group Approver Team (NGA)
The NGA Team receives and processes requests from members who want to start new groups. NGA Team Members research proposed groups for viability and handle all aspects of new group setup. A qualified volunteer is adept at map reading, has an interest in geography and possesses good internet research skills. Applicants should have a solid familiarity with Freecycle.org guidelines and the Mod Manual. Because NGA team members correspond with applicants from all over the world, patience, good people skills and a sense of humor are a plus. Training is provided. If you're interested, please send an email with the subject line that states I want to volunteer with the NGA team
Group Outreach and Assistance Team (GOA)
This position is usually filled by special invitation or via promotion from other support teams, as we've found the experience and knowledge base from these teams to be beneficial to the volunteer prior to taking on the varied responsibilities that come with GOA. However, suitably qualified volunteers can be an exception, so if you feel you have the necessary skills please do get in touch.
Candidates for this position must be extremely tactful; have a good grasp of the written word; be friendly and insightful; be willing to devote several hours a week to the "job"; be fair-minded and unprejudiced; and have strong problem-solving and diplomatic skills. Potential volunteers for this position must also have a complete understanding of the workings of Freecycle.org and its guidelines, as well as an understanding of what is appropriate for groups and moderators. A solid familiarity with the Moderator's Manual is a must.
Please note that this is a time consuming position that requires at least an hour per day. If you're interested, please send an email with the subject line that statesI want to volunteer with the GOA Team.
Graphics Team
This position requires that you have graphic design abilities and a desire to help other local mods put together a nifty new graphic for their local graphics/description which incorporates our logo with nice surrounding graphics that reflect the spirit of the local community. It requires good interpersonal skills in working with local mods to figure out their wishes The time commitment varies greatly depending on your wishes to do more or less. This is a small team with creative design energy. It does not require a great deal of moderation experience. If you're interested, please send an email with a subject line that states I want to volunteer with the Graphics Team