Moderator Manual:Cafe Groups

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Cafe groups - What do I need to know to set one up?

Café groups – what do I need to know to set one up?
The way to set up a Café group is to simply set up a Yahoo! group where members can talk and get to know each other better. They can discuss Freecycle work, Pets, googlemail, services they can offer or would like, community events, and so on.

The main restriction is that you cannot allow any selling.

The biggest advantage in having one is, that it is a place you can refer people to when local group policy does not allow their message to go through on the Freecycle board. Such things as chit‐chat, needing a place to rent, a job, directions, recommendations for tradespeople and services and many other little things that crop up.

Link to Freecycle Café guidelines: Cafe