Temas relativos a Emails

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Consejos Para Organizar Todos los Nuevos Emails Que Estás Recibiendo

  1. CREA UNA CARPETA DE EMAIL SEPARADA Y AUTOMÁTICAMENTE GUARDA TUS CORREOS DE FREECYCLE™ EN ELLA. Crea una carpeta separada en tu programa de email y configura tus correos de Freecycle para que sean enviados allí automáticamente con una regla en herramientas/reglas de mensajes/email/
  2. My.Freecycle: Configúralo para "UNO POR CADA PUBLICACIÓN", "EMAIL DE RESUMEN" or "NINGUNO excepto ADMINS."
  3. IMPORTANTE: EXISTE UNA DEMORA PARA LAS MODIFICACIONES EFECTUADAS: Cada vez que un usuario modifica las configuraciones, existe una superposición desde el tiempo que lleva procesar la modificación hasta que los emails en la fila esperando para ser enviados para los usuarios son entregados. En otras palabras, en el tiempo que lleva detener permanentemente la llegada de los emails, ya hay emails configurados para salir, y seguirán saliendo hasta que la fila esté vacía. (Algunas personas han informado que esto puede tardar hasta tres días.) Por eso, por favor no envíes emails a los moderadores con comentarios como: "Yo modifiqué mis configuraciones/cancelé mi subscripción ayer, ¿por qué sigo recibiendo emails?" Simplemente sé paciente, y todo se solucionará. No realices más de una modificación por vez (cada modificación adicional agrega otro día de espera).

¡Buena suerte y diviértete manteniendo las cosas buenas lejos de los vertederos!

Yours Truly, The Geeky Rules Crew

You can change how mail is delivered to you from the join page.

How do I change my email address?

To change your password, email address, or to delete your account:

  1. Login to my.freecycle.org and click on the "My Info" tab.
  2. Click on the appropriate button and make the changes.
  3. Click on the prompt to save your changes.

How do I change when emails are sent?

  1. Login to http://my.freecycle.org and click on the “My Groups” tab.
  2. Click the drop down menu to see the available email delivery options. NOTE: The options are: "Receive all postings via email", to "receive an Email Digest of 25 posts", or "Stop receiving post emails (Please note, if you choose to receive no emails, you will still receive special notices from the moderator)".
  3. Select the group from the list, and click on the change settings button.
  4. After choosing your option, click: "Change Email Preference".
  • IMPORTANT: You MUST wait for the page to refresh to confirm your changes or all will be lost and you might become a wee bit frustrated

Why hasn't my post appeared yet?

There are a few possibilities.

  • If you're new to the group, or haven't posted for a while, it's probably waiting for approval. See Moderation.
  • It could be because My.Freecycle or Yahoo is slow - that happens from time to time.
  • It could have been sent back to you. Please check your junk or spam folders to see if that's happened. Make sure you do that on the email address you used to join the group.
  • It could be because you're using gmail. Gmail displays messages in an unusual way, which means that you might not see a mail you've sent to the group as a new mail.

Why are there no new messages on the group's web page?

There are a few reasons why there might not be any new posts on the messages page:

  • Maybe nobody's sending any. Why not find something you have that you don't need any longer and OFFER it to your Freecycle community?
  • Perhaps everyone is content and/or have nothing to offer or request? Why not make a request for some small item to get the messages flowing?
  • The volunteer Moderators might not be approving messages at the moment. Remember that they have lives too, so be patient. It will show up soon.
  • My.Freecycle might be slow.

Why am I not getting any emails from the group?

If there are posts on the messages page, then you might not be set up to receive emails from the group. See Mail Delivery Options.

I'm getting too many mails, what can I do?

You can change when you receive mails. See Mail Delivery Options.

I posted something by mistake. What can I do?

Just so you know, you CAN delete your own posts for any reason (for example, if someone's taken the item you offered, or if you've received the item you wanted, or if you posted something by mistake).

  • My.Freecycle: Login to my.freecycle.org and click on “My Posts”. -Here you will see your open posts.
  1. Click on the "Manage" button
  2. On the next page, select the "Cancel and remove" button to delete the post from the MyFreecycle message board.
  • Yahoo: Go back to your original post and bring it into view on the screen. Right under the Messages bar, where it reads:

Reply/Forward/View Source/Unwrap Lines/Delete

Click on 'Delete.' That should do it. (Note, though, that deleting a post won't prevent it from showing up in the next digest for those with digest options, or remove it from the archives)

How Do I change my email address?

How can I keep mail from Freecycle.org from going to my spam folder?

Emails and Bouncing - What is it?

Emails - What is cross-posting?

How do I reply to an OFFER / WANTED post?

How do I edit messages?