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Pour rejoindre ce groupe Freecycle, suivez ce lien :
Pour rejoindre ce groupe Freecycle, suivez ce lien :
Log-in and type your group name in the search box.
Log-in and type your group name in the search box.

Revision as of 11:10, 17 October 2015

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FICHIERS - Message d'adieu

FICHERS - lettre d'adieu pour les membres qui quittent le groupe

Il peut être intéressant de demander aux membres qui quittent le groupe leurs raisons : ce peut être simplement un déménagement, mais il peut aussi y avoir des problèmes sous-jacents dont vous devez vous occuper.

Vous trouverez ci-dessous quelques exemples de fichiers que vous pouvez utiliser comme bon vous semble : copiez, collez, et modifiez si nécessaire !

Remplacez tous les XXX par le nom de votre groupe local

Exemple n°1 - Lettre d'adieu - Groupes sur site Freecycle

Cher ex-membre de FreeCycle(R),

Nous regrettons de vous voir quitter notre groupe. Pouvons-nous faire quoi que ce soit pour vous faire changer d'avis ? Dites-nous ce qui ne va pas, nous serions ravis de pouvoir vous aider !

Si vous recevez trop de messages, vous pouvez en modifier la fréquence : cliquer sur l'onglet « Mes groupes » puis sur le bouton « Préférences ». Faites votre choix, puis n'oubliez pas de cliquer sur « Modifier vos préférences e-mail ».

Si un membre a été désagréable avec vous, nous apprécierions d'en être informé. Certains problèmes méritent d'être abordés... Peut-être n'avez-vous simplement pas eu le temps ? Nous sommes tous tellement occupés...

Quelles que soient vos raison, merci d'avoir un moment fait partie de la communauté Freecycle, n'hésitez pas à revenir quand vous voulez, les portes sont ouvertes !

Si vous avez déménagé, trouvez le groupe Freecycle le plus proche : http://fr.freecycle.org/accueil/

Pour rejoindre ce groupe Freecycle, suivez ce lien :


Log-in and type your group name in the search box.

Your Freecycle.org Moderation Team

 (C) 2003, The Freecycle Network(TM). All rights reserved. Freecycle and the Freecycle logo are trademarks of The Freecycle Network in the United States and/or other countries.

Example #2 - Farewell Letter - Yahoo Groups

Dear Freecycle(TM) Alumnus,

Thank you for helping to make The Freecycle Network(TM) the special thing that it is.

Now that you have unsubscribed, please realize that it can take Yahoo Groups up to 3 days to process. We apologize for the delay. Trying to unsubscribe or switch to "special notices" or any other change generally delays the process even more (add a day for each additional change).

Best advice: grin and bear it and you'll be free soon to continue your life beyond our little community online. If there was something that we could have done to make your stay with us any better, please reply to this email and let us know. Your email will reach the group moderators.

May all your journeys be safe ones!

Your XXX Freecycle Moderators
 (C) 2003, The Freecycle Network(TM). All rights reserved. Freecycle and the Freecycle logo are trademarks of The Freecycle Network in the United States and/or other countries.

Example #3 - Farewell Letter - Yahoo Groups

Dear Freecycle(TM) Alumnus!

We certainly hate to see you leave the group. Is there something we can do to change your mind?

If you could let us know the reason, maybe there's something we could do. If you were getting too much mail, we want to make sure you know that you have the option of getting the Digest version (which brings up to 25 posts in one email) or the "special notices" version which would allow you to just read the posts on the home page (instead of receiving individual messages).

If you would like to try one of those options, please rejoin and make the appropriate changes to your settings. If someone said something that did not agree with you, we would like to know about it. Perhaps there's a problem that needs to be resolved.

Or maybe you just didn't have time? We all seem to be so busy these days! If you'd like to come back to the group on "special notices" and just visit occasionally, you're more than welcome to do so.

Whatever the reason, we thank you for visiting us, and invite you back whenever you can stop by. The doors of Freecycle are always open to you!

Your XXX Freecycle Moderators XXX-owner@yahoogroups.com
To rejoin XXX Freecycle, follow this link:

 (C) 2003, The Freecycle Network(TM). All rights reserved. Freecycle and the Freecycle logo are trademarks of The Freecycle Network in the United States and/or other countries.

Example #4 - Farewell Letter - Yahoo Groups

Dear Freecycle(TM) Alumnus,

We're sorry to see you leave. Thank you for having helped make The Freecycle Network(TM) the special thing that it is.

We always wonder why people choose to leave the group.

- Were you not sure what to give away?<br>
- Did you think you had nothing more to give?<br>
- Did you get frustrated?<br>
- Were there too many emails?

We would love to hear from you what reasons you have for leaving. If it is something that can be resolved to maintain your membership, we would be glad to have you back.

For example, too many emails can be resolved by changing to Daily Digest from Individual Emails!!! One email per day versus dozens!!

Please email us at XXX-owner@yahoogroups.com and let us know what prompted your leaving the group. If we can help you solve it, we will.

If not, your feedback is still valuable to us. Now that you have unsubscribed, please realize that it can take Yahoo Groups up to 3 days to process... our sincere apologies for the delay.

May all your journeys be safe ones!

Your XXX Freecycle Moderators<br>
 (C) 2003, The Freecycle Network(TM). All rights reserved. Freecycle and the Freecycle logo are trademarks of The Freecycle Network in the United States and/or other countries.